Three Things You Must Do to Get Government Grants (if you’re a nonprofit in 2021)
Do you lead a nonprofit? Are you strapped for cash? Have you wondered how to get government grants to keep your organization afloat?
Well, I’m here to help you. Here are THREE sure fire ways to get those elusive government dollars flowing into your organization’s coffers sooner rather than later.
First, you gotta figure out your prospects. Whom do you need to reach?
While competition during the pandemic is stiff, that doesn’t mean you can’t win the grant. But you need to know what the options are.
Let’s say you lead an organization dedicated to regenerative agriculture. Chances are you’re not gonna target the Department of Homeland Security. But maybe you should be targeting…the Department of Agriculture?!
Or you lead a nonprofit for inner-city youth. I don’t think you’re gonna go after the Department of Defense. Just a thought? Maybe?
Instead, set your sights on the Department of Health and Human Services or the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Get to know your prospects, your options. Get to know the people in government who have the money that’s dedicated FOR YOU.
What do you want to do? What is your organization about?
Here you’re talking about the types of funding you’ll need and where that money is going.
You’ll need to figure out how much money you’ve already raised and how much money you need. Are you good? Or do you need more? How much more?
You’re that inner city non-profit and you’ve already raised 20K. But you need another 30K. Get clear on those figures. You’ll need that when writing the grant applications.
And then…what communities do you serve? Be clear on whether you’re serving your county, your city, your state. Is it Seattle, King County, Washington State? Be CLEAR about that.
And then, what do you need the money for?
Let’s say you’re running that inner city non-profit. Do you need money for teachers? Computers? Capital investments?
Or maybe, just maybe…you want that money to be unrestricted for your general fund. That’s OK — but you need to decide…what’s gonna be for a very specific purpose (like computers) and what’s gonna be general. It’s up to you.
OK, this is more technical. Sorry.
But in the world of grant writing, you need to roll up your sleeves and get familiar with keywords.
You’re that inner-city nonprofit manager. What are the keywords that a government manager will recognize?
It might be…”poverty.” It might be…”needy.”
Or maybe you’re running that regenerative agriculture shop.
Could your keyword be “sustainable”? Maybe it’s even…”regenerative”?
I don’t know. Do your research in what’s called “Fields of Interest” and make sure you’re not losing out on that money because you’re not using the right language.
Here’s the deal.
There’s money out there. Yeah, there’s competition. Sure.
But if you know your prospects…if you know your goals…if you know your keywords….well, let me just say…you’ll get that money. And you’ll make the world a better place as a result.